Ira Takaro: Supporting The Learning of Tamariki Via Their Own Natural Impulses and Physical Movement

Our esteemed hohou-rongo, educational experts, once integrated a child’s natural innate, uniquely intrinsic & pronounced physical movements i to their learning via the process of ira takaro. We will experience and share our thoughts on some of these teaching strategies in the meet & greet socialisation protocols matamatarongo (circle dance greeting) & toko-tuia (bird welcome)....

Building Connection Through LEGO

Combine the magic of LEGO with the power of safety and connection through this hands on workshop where we explore how to therapeutically build alongside akonga who might otherwise find connection to others difficult, scary or overwhelming. Not all Akonga feel safe in relationships with others. Some take more time to establish trust, some are...

An introduction to ByteEd’s innovative technologies & unplugged approaches for learning.

Are you looking for stimulating and engaging approaches using digital tools to support learning in the classroom? This workshop introduces a range of educational resources designed and developed by ByteEd, an Aotearoa New Zealand EdTech company.All resources utilise an ‘unplugged’ hands on approach to lay foundations for knowledge and skill development before transitioning ākonga to...

“Literacy Launchpad: Elevating Reading Readiness Together”

A professional learning session for teachers on phonemic awareness and alphabet knowledge, exploring how children acquire reading skills and how literacy can be seamlessly integrated into play-based learning. Gaining insights during the session on how kaiako can apply their newly acquired knowledge to prepare children for future success in reading, writing, and the transition to...

Experience The Joy of a Structured Approach to Mathematics Using Structured Resources.

Come to a very practical session where you will experience how structured resources can make maths real for young learners. Hear about the Numicon approach that supports both play-based learning alongside a scope and sequence of developmental lessons. Find out why teachers say they feel liberated and are amazed how confidently their learners talk about...

Supporting Social Connections With Students Who Find Playing With Peers, Group Work, And Interacting With Peers Tricky

This workshop shares practical information to help build your confidence in understanding why social opportunities can add extra demands, pressure, and challenges to any activity for many neurodivergent students. While some students find social breaks to be a chance to recharge and group work to enhance learning, many neurodivergent students need us to carefully consider...

Neuroscience and Trauma Informed Approaches

Frian will be presenting a brief glimpse into Neuroscience and Trauma Informed Approaches so that educators, specialists and all adults supporting students in educational settings can better understand learning, inclusion and wellbeing of our tamariki through a nervous system lens. Many tamariki and rangatahi in our educational settings are disengaged and display significantly distressed behaviours...

FUN Science in the Early Years!

House of Science has been working in NZ primary and intermediate schools for 10 years, empowering teachers to deliver great science lessons. They develop science resource kits with all the materials needed to carry out engaging science lessons. These bi-lingual kits are delivered to schools using a subscription based library system. House of Science are...
