It Takes a Village

We all know we should make connections with whanau but sometimes it can feel like you are opening up a can of worms. Why are whanau connections important? How can we connect in a mutually supportive way? How can we sustain these connections? How can we avoid or deal with conflict? You’ll leave this workshop...

Understanding Te Tiriti

Get a taster of this experiential Workshop for schools and organisations created by Roimata Smail, author of Understanding Te Tiriti, and lawyer specialising in Te Tiriti o Waitangi for two decades. Participants experience how the promises in te Tiriti were broken (focussing on land loss), and consider how te Tiriti is still relevant today (including...

‘Weaving the Science of Learning Through a Play Based Pedagogy’.

This workshop will centre around my journey into the weaving of play pedagogy and structured, explicit teaching together. I aim to focus on how I ensure I am guided by the Science of Learning, while still honouring play pedagogy for my year one/two class. My intention is to give practical examples of how I teach...

Gate Pā Gateway Transition

During this workshop the Gateway Team from Gate Pā School in Tauranga will take you through their journey of how they transition tamariki to school with a strong focus on foundation skills and how they connect with whanau and ECE Why - why are we doing this? What is already in existence?  Who can we...

Teaching Literacy with Sunshine Phonics Decodables

"Teaching children to read can be one of the most rewarding parts of a teacher's day. Having the right resources and knowing how to use them is key to achieving great results. In this workshop, we will explore Sunshine Phonics Decodables - a New Zealand programme that incorporates all elements needed to implement a dynamic,...

Learn Te Reo Through Song

In this workshop, get a taster of the more than 300 videos in is closely aligned to the Curriculum for te Reo Māori, virtual lessons led by a cartoon boy Kiri mean teachers can just press play to get started. The lessons are based around Wai Ako (Learning Songs) which get classes...

Developing Language in Everyday Moments.

This workshop focuses on how everyone can support language development. Language development is typically incredibly robust. For those students, we can jump straight into using their current language skills for learning, participation, and assessment. This is not true for all students though. Some students arrive at school and are still building their language skills up....

Montessori Maths – Materialised Abstractions

Discover the colourful yet precise world of Montessori maths manipulatives! Learn how they can support tamariki aged 3-6 years old to gain confidence in their mathematical skills before starting school and contribute to achievement in their first year. How do they support the Level 1 mathematics strands of the NZ Curriculum? Introduction to Montessori philosophy...

Building Strong Foundations Through Hands-on Science,

We need children to be engaged effectively in learning to ensure significant and meaningful participation. House of Science has been empowering teachers for over 10 years to deliver engaging science lessons through the provision of bilingual hands-on science resource kits. The kits are suitable for primary classrooms from YR 0-8. HoS is also an approved...

Loose Parts Play

This is a hands-on collaborative workshop with two passionate play advocates, sharing their love of loose parts play. This will be a hands-on workshop where participants get to see and play with large amounts of loose parts first hand. You will leave this workshop with a greater knowledge of why loose parts play is important,...

My Journey Supporting Neuro Diverse Tamariki in The Classroom

The needs of the tamariki coming into our classrooms are incredibly vast.  Even if you have been lucky enough to receive some funding it's not full time for those tamariki that need that additional support. Teachers are stretched, the system says "all children are entitled to an education".  We know the system is broken.  It...

Creating a Culture that Values Diversity

What does it mean to develop inclusive pedagogies that support all learners to succeed and thrive in the early years? How can we design environments that nurture all learners by attending to a range of sensory profiles, while creating opportunities for all learners to build on their strengths? How can we support all learners to...
