Getting it Automatic!

Come along to this workshop to get practical ideas to help move tamariki from sounding out, to blending, to 'popping' words out automatically! Sue is one of our R4L facilitators and works with Literacy Intervention groups at her school in Gisborne using a Structured Literacy approach. She's keen to share some tips and tricks she's...

We All Have Them. Wiggle Worms!

Why do my ākonga wiggle? Can I stop my ākonga wiggling, rolling and lying all over the floor? Can they learn to sit up, sit still and focus? What impact do the wiggles have on their learning? Come along to find how easy it is to enable your wiggly worms to achieve learning without buying...

Self-coaching Through Reflection

Reflection is an incredibly powerful tool that helps you get from where you are right now, to where you want to be. In this workshop I will share the reflection scaffold that I've created for educators across Aotearoa.  It will help you to: nip things in the bud before they become a big pain in...

Digital Learning To Foster Creative And Innovative Minds

“Our real problem is – what is the goal of education? Are we forming children that are only capable of learning what is already known? Or should we try developing creative and innovative minds, capable of discovery from the preschool age on, throughout life?” Jean Piaget Let’s explore… building creativity and confidence, integrating iPad to...

Is It Sensory Or Is It Behaviour?

SORRY this workshop is now FULL Dive into the world of sensory - we have 9 sensory systems that affect learning, play, relationships, and how we as individuals relate to the world and each other. Not all ákonga can ‘sense’ what is happening inside their bodies, such as a racing heart that indicates frustration -...

Learning Stories

Learning stories are an amazing way to share learning, increase connections with whānau and make learning visible. Come along to this session where I will show you how you can utilise learning stories in your classroom, create your own template and share these on Seesaw. You'll walk away with some templates to adapt and use...

Engaging And Enthusing The Unenthusiastic: Integrating Early Literacy Skills (Based on Using Structured Literacy/ Science of Reading Principles) Into Opportunities For Play.

How to weave elements of Structured Literacy into whole class and small group sessions whilst allowing students opportunities to drive their learning through engaging and meaningful play based activities. We will look at planning for whole class literacy sessions and ways to bring students on the journey of developing a love for literacy learning. Based...

Oral Language – Not Seen and Not Heard

What is going on with our students? What can we do to help? This presentation turns the idea of what we want our 21st Century learners to become on its head and examines who the 21st Century learner actually is. We know how important it is to know our learners in order to meet their...

Ira Takaro: Supporting The Learning of Tamariki Via Their Own Natural Impulses and Physical Movement

Our esteemed hohou-rongo, educational experts, once integrated a child’s natural innate, uniquely intrinsic & pronounced physical movements i to their learning via the process of ira takaro. We will experience and share our thoughts on some of these teaching strategies in the meet & greet socialisation protocols matamatarongo (circle dance greeting) & toko-tuia (bird welcome)....

Building Connection Through LEGO

Combine the magic of LEGO with the power of safety and connection through this hands on workshop where we explore how to therapeutically build alongside akonga who might otherwise find connection to others difficult, scary or overwhelming. Not all Akonga feel safe in relationships with others. Some take more time to establish trust, some are...
